29 Awesome and Manly Flowers that Start With C

Flowers That Start with C - Cactus

Flowers have always been associated with love, happiness, and beauty. They are widely used in weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations. While flowers are generally thought to be a feminine symbol, there are plenty of manly flowers that are equally beautiful and significant. In this article, we will explore 30 awesome and manly flowers that start with C.

Flowers That Start with C - Chrysanthemum

1. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums are one of the most popular flowers in the world, with over 200 species. They are native to Asia and Europe and are often referred to as ‘mums’. Chrysanthemums are known for their bright colors and are commonly used in floral arrangements. In some cultures, chrysanthemums symbolize death and are used in funeral arrangements.

2. Carnation

Carnations are popular for their long-lasting blooms and wide range of colors. They are native to the Mediterranean region and are often used in boutonnieres and corsages. Carnations symbolize love, fascination, and distinction.

3. Cosmos

Cosmos are annual flowers that are native to Mexico. They have delicate petals that resemble daisies and come in a range of colors, including pink, purple, and white. Cosmos symbolize harmony and peacefulness.

4. Crocus

Crocuses are spring-blooming flowers that are native to Europe and Asia. They have vibrant purple, yellow, and white flowers that are known for their medicinal properties. Crocuses symbolize cheerfulness and happiness.

5. Cactus

Cacti are a unique type of plant that are native to the Americas. They have spiky leaves and often produce bright, colorful flowers. Cacti symbolize endurance and resilience.

6. Calendula

Calendulas, also known as marigolds, are annual flowers that are native to the Mediterranean region. They have yellow or orange petals and are often used in skincare products. Calendulas symbolize passion and creativity.

7. Camellia

Camellias are evergreen shrubs that are native to Asia. They have shiny, dark green leaves and produce beautiful, fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. Camellias symbolize love and admiration.

8. Celosia

Celosias are annual flowers that are native to Africa and Asia. They have vibrant, plume-like flowers that come in a range of colors, including pink, orange, and red. Celosias symbolize courage and strength.

9. Cornflower

Cornflowers, also known as bachelor’s buttons, are annual flowers that are native to Europe. They have vibrant blue, pink, and white flowers that are often used in cottage gardens. Cornflowers symbolize delicacy and refinement.

10. Cockscomb

Cockscombs are annual flowers that are native to tropical regions. They have bright red, orange, and yellow flowers that resemble a rooster’s comb. Cockscombs symbolize humor and liveliness.

11. Coreopsis

Coreopsis are annual flowers that are native to North America. They have bright yellow flowers and are often used in wildflower gardens. Coreopsis symbolize joy and happiness.

12. Canna

Cannas are perennial flowers that are native to tropical and subtropical regions. They have large, colorful flowers that resemble orchids. Cannas symbolize confidence and beauty.

13. Calla Lily

Calla lilies are perennial flowers that are native to southern Africa. They have long, elegant stems and produce beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of white, pink, and yellow. Calla lilies symbolize purity and innocence.

14. Catmint

Catmint is a perennial plant that is native to Europe and Asia. It has fragrant leaves and produces blue, pink, and white flowers that attract bees and butterflies. Catmint symbolizes happiness and love.

15. Chive Blossom

Chive blossoms are edible flowers that are native to Europe and Asia. They have pink, purple, or white flowers that are often used as a garnish or in salads. Chive blossoms symbolize renewal and growth.

16. Chinese Hibiscus

Chinese hibiscus is a tropical shrub that is native to China. It has large, showy flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. Chinese hibiscus symbolizes passion and beauty.

17. Coneflower

Coneflowers, also known as echinaceas, are perennial flowers that are native to North America. They have bright pink, purple, and white flowers that are often used in prairie gardens. Coneflowers symbolize strength and healing.

18. Coral Bells

Coral bells are perennial flowers that are native to North America. They have delicate, bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. Coral bells symbolize admiration and appreciation.

19. Crown Imperial

Crown imperial is a bulbous plant that is native to Asia and Europe. It has tall stems and produces large, drooping flowers in shades of yellow, orange, and red. Crown imperial symbolizes majesty and authority.

20. Cymbidium Orchid

Cymbidium orchids are perennial flowers that are native to Asia and Australia. They have long, elegant stems and produce beautiful, fragrant flowers in shades of pink, white, and green. Cymbidium orchids symbolize love and beauty.

21. Cyclamen

Cyclamen is a perennial plant that is native to the Mediterranean region. It has heart-shaped leaves and produces fragrant, pink or white flowers. Cyclamen symbolizes affection and lasting love.

22. Cypress Vine

Cypress vine is an annual plant that is native to tropical regions. It has delicate, fern-like leaves and produces red, white, and pink flowers. Cypress vine symbolizes elegance and refinement.

23. Cytisus

Cytisus, also known as broom, is a shrub that is native to Europe and Asia. It has bright yellow flowers and is often used in landscaping. Cytisus symbolizes resilience and optimism.

24. Ceanothus

Ceanothus, also known as California lilac, is a shrub that is native to western North America. It has fragrant, blue or white flowers and is often used in gardens and landscapes. Ceanothus symbolizes harmony and tranquility.

25. Cistus

Cistus, also known as rock rose, is a shrub that is native to Europe and North Africa. It has delicate, pink or white flowers and is often used in rock gardens. Cistus symbolizes purity and simplicity.

26. Chimonanthus Praecox

Chimonanthus praecox, also known as wintersweet, is a shrub that is native to China. It has fragrant, yellow flowers that bloom in the winter. Chimonanthus praecox symbolizes endurance and resilience.

27. Chitalpa

Chitalpa is a hybrid plant that is a cross between catalpa and desert willow. It has pink or white flowers and is often used in landscaping. Chitalpa symbolizes balance and adaptability.

28. Chrysobalanus Icaco

Chrysobalanus icaco, also known as cocoplum, is a shrub that is native to the Caribbean and Florida. It has small, white flowers and produces edible fruit. Chrysobalanus icaco symbolizes abundance and prosperity.

29. Clivia

Clivia is a perennial plant that is native to South Africa. It has long, strappy leaves and produces beautiful, orange or yellow flowers. Clivia symbolizes strength and resilience.


What is the significance of flowers in different cultures?

Flowers hold different meanings in different cultures. In some cultures, they are used for religious purposes, while in others, they symbolize love, happiness, or grief.

How can I take care of these manly flowers?

Different flowers require different care. Some require full sun, while others need partial shade. It’s important to research the specific care requirements of each flower before planting them.

Which of these flowers are commonly used for landscaping?

Many of these flowers are commonly used in landscaping, including cacti, cannas, cone flowers, and coral bells.

Are there any poisonous flowers in this list?

While most of these flowers are not poisonous, some, like chrysanthemums and cacti, can be toxic if ingested. It’s important to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Here is a table listing all 30 manly flowers that start with C, along with their scientific names, colors, and additional information:

FlowerScientific NameColorAdditional Information
ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum sp.VariousCommonly used in floral arrangements; symbolizes death in some cultures
CarnationDianthus caryophyllusVariousPopular for boutonnieres and corsages; symbolizes love and distinction
CosmosCosmos bipinnatusPink, purple, whiteAttracts bees and butterflies; symbolizes harmony and peacefulness
CrocusCrocus sp.Purple, yellow, whiteKnown for its medicinal properties; symbolizes cheerfulness and happiness
CactusCactaceae sp.VariousUnique plants with spiky leaves; symbolizes endurance and resilience
CalendulaCalendula officinalisYellow, orangeOften used in skincare products; symbolizes passion and creativity
CamelliaCamellia sp.Pink, red, whiteFragrant flowers; symbolizes love and admiration
CelosiaCelosia sp.Pink, orange, redVibrant, plume-like flowers; symbolizes courage and strength
CornflowerCentaurea cyanusBlue, pink, whiteOften used in cottage gardens; symbolizes delicacy and refinement
CockscombCelosia cristataRed, orange, yellowResembles a rooster’s comb; symbolizes humor and liveliness
CoreopsisCoreopsis sp.YellowOften used in wildflower gardens; symbolizes joy and happiness
CannaCanna indicaVariousLarge, colorful flowers; symbolizes confidence and beauty
Calla LilyZantedeschia aethiopicaWhite, pink, yellowTrumpet-shaped flowers; symbolizes purity and innocence
CatmintNepeta sp.Blue, pink, whiteFragrant leaves; attracts bees and butterflies; symbolizes happiness and love
Chive BlossomAllium schoenoprasumPink, purple, whiteEdible flowers; often used as a garnish or in salads; symbolizes renewal and growth
Chinese HibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensisPink, red, whiteTropical shrub with showy flowers; symbolizes passion and beauty
ConeflowerEchinacea sp.Pink, purple, whiteOften used in prairie gardens; symbolizes strength and healing
Coral BellsHeuchera sp.Pink, red, whiteDelicate, bell-shaped flowers; symbolizes admiration and appreciation
Crown ImperialFritillaria imperialisYellow, orange, redDrooping flowers; symbolizes majesty and authority
Cymbidium OrchidCymbidium sp.Pink, white, greenFragrant flowers on long stems; symbolizes love and beauty
CyclamenCyclamen sp.Pink, whiteHeart-shaped leaves; fragrant flowers; symbolizes affection and lasting love
Cypress VineIpomoea quamoclitRed, white, pinkFern-like leaves; symbolizes elegance and refinement
CytisusCytisus sp.YellowBright yellow flowers; often used in landscaping; symbolizes resilience and optimism
CeanothusCeanothus sp.Blue, whiteFragrant flowers; often used in gardens and landscapes; symbolizes harmony and tranquility
CistusCistus sp.Pink, whiteDelicate flowers; often used in rock gardens; symbolizes purity and simplicity
Chimonanthus PraecoxChimonanthus praecoxYellowFragrant, winter-blooming flowers; symbolizes endurance and resilience
Chitalpax Chitalpa tashkentensisPink, whiteHybrid plant; cross between catalpa and desert willow; symbolizes balance and adaptability
Chrysobalanus IcacoChrysobalanus icacoWhiteEdible fruit; symbolizes abundance and prosperity
CliviaClivia sp.Orange, yellowStrappy leaves; fragrant flowers; symbolizes strength and resilience

It’s important to note that while these flowers are generally considered to be manly, they are by no means limited to being enjoyed only by men. Flowers can be appreciated and enjoyed by people of all genders and ages.

List of Flower Names A To Z

Here are some additional flowers that start with a specific letter! Check them out below:

And Those Are Your Flowers that Start With C

Overall, it’s important to appreciate the beauty and significance of flowers, whether they are traditionally considered feminine or manly. These 30 manly flowers that start with C are just a small sample of the many beautiful and diverse flowers that exist in the world. By incorporating these flowers into our lives and surroundings, we can add beauty, meaning, and joy to our daily lives.

As you explore these manly flowers, be sure to research their specific care requirements and how they can be used in different contexts. Whether you’re planting them in your garden, using them in floral arrangements, or enjoying their fragrance and beauty, these flowers are sure to brighten up any space and add a touch of elegance and grace to your life.

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Jay Neill

My name is Jay Neill, a garden lover and gardening tool junkie. I will be your mens gardening guide here. The intention of this site is to help you choose the best garden swag for your individual needs.